
I am strongly committed to serving the university and professional communities. In 2022, I moderated the Student Research and Creative Activity Fair, where I escorted two expert reviewers to students' poster presentations and submitted their final ratings to the organizer. I also volunteered at Educational Service Unit 2 (ESU2) to support rural districts in the state of Nebraska, and I plan to meet with a grade 12 student in the upcoming academic year to introduce them to STEM education and potential career paths. Through these experiences, I have learned how to introduce computing concepts to high school students and how to encourage them to pursue a computing major in college. 

At the college level, I served on the Doctoral Program Committee (DPC) and participated in doctoral student interviews. Additionally, I also served on the ISQA Hiring Committee to bring on two new talented faculty members. I co-hosted several interview dinners with a faculty candidate for the computer science and ISQA department. These experiences gave me valuable insights into the doctoral and faculty hiring process, and allowed me to contribute my ideas and opinions to the committee. I also served on the Graduate Program Committee (GPC) in the ISQA department, gaining a better understanding of the process of admitting master's students. 

In my professional services, I have served as a program committee member or reviewer for various conferences and journals. I chaired a session at CSCW 2021 and served as a program committee member for five top-tier internet conferences. I have reviewed over 35 papers for 14 journals and conferences. I am an active member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and The Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), and I look forward to continuing my engagement and contributions to the professional community.